Glenwood Elementary Home

Glenwood Students are Ready to Lead the World!
school entrance

About Us

Welcome to the Glenwood family! Home of the Bears! Together we will raise safe, responsible, & respectful future leaders!

News & Announcements


Diagnostic Testing/Examenes Diagnosticos

Students will be assessed in Reading and Math in order to guide learning goals for the school year.
Los estudiantes serán evaluados en Lectura y Matemáticas para guiar las metas de aprendizaje para el año escolar.


bear mural

Our Mission

We believe that:
School should be a safe, healthy environment where children can grow and learn.
All children, inclusive of English Language Learners, GATE, Special Education, and diverse needs, can learn.
School, family, and community members are partners in learning.
School is an education, health, and information center for the community.
Respect for diversity and individuality is appreciated by all members of the school community.