SSC Orientation and Elections

SSC Orientation and Elections
8/29/2024, 2:20 PM 3:20 PM
Parent Center

ELAC/SSC/LSC Parent Advisory Committee Orientation
Your voice and vote matters at Glenwood! Glenwood has three advisory committees, School Site Council (SSC), English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC), and the Local School Leadership Council (LSLC).

Please join us on Wednesday, August 28th in the Parent Center at 8:30am for our ELAC Orientation and Election of Members.

Also on Wednesday at 3:20 pm in the Parent Center we will have our LSLC orientation and member election.

On Thursday, August 29th at 2:20 we will have an SSC orientation and Election of Parent members.

Join us and learn more about these committees! Remember Glenwood is always better with you and your support!

School Site Council (SSC) develops, approves, and revises our Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA). Our council is composed of: the principal, three classroom teachers, one school personnel representative, and five parents.

English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) advises and makes recommendations to our School Site Council on the SPSA, especially in sections related to our English Learners. The committee also assists with the school’s needs assessment, language census and parent awareness about the importance of regular school attendance.

The Local School Leadership Council (LSLC) is a shared decision-making body, composed of elected parents, community members, and school personnel. The LSLC works cooperatively to make decisions in these areas of the school program: staff professional development, student discipline (PBIS), the school schedule of events and activities, guidance for equipment use (i.e. copy machines), and the budget account for instructional materials.

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